Traction Control will dramatically reduce the chances of an accident, but also positively enhancing acceleration. It always improves the performance of the vehicle. The car becomes more fun to drive than before, giving the driver new levels of confidence in pushing the car to its limits without ever over stepping the mark.
Driving with Traction Control
Once you have driven a powerful car with Traction Control, you will never want to be without it. Acceleration out of junctions becomes rapid and repeatable, just bury the throttle and the system does the rest, constantly adjusting the power of the engine every thousandth of a second, searching for maximum grip. In a rear wheel drive car you can use full throttle around a corner with full confidence that the rear end isn't going to suddenly break away. In a front wheel drive vehicle push-on understeer is cured, with the system setting the correct level of power to finely balance the vehicle.
In wet and slippery conditions the system really becomes fun, stamp on the gas and watch other cars disappear behind you as the car accelerates as fast as the grip allows without skidding all over the road. Acceleration away from traffic lights is so much quicker than cars without the system, that you'll leave behind scores of drivers with faster car.
Front wheel drive cars
If your powerful front wheel drive car is prone to wheelspin or power understeer, then the Traction Control system will give a good benefit. Coming out of tight hairpins the throttle can be buried, and the system modulates the power extremely quickly to provide maximum acceleration without wasteful wheelspin. As you turn into a corner, the throttle again can be buried, and instead of drifting wide of the apex as the front wheels scrabble for grip, the car will power through the corner at the maximum speed without understeering.
This will reduce tyre wear quite considerably, and improve performance. In the wet the system comes into it's own, you will go at least 1 or 2 seconds per kilometre quicker, and in tight slippery conditions it will be much more. We have fitted the system to a number of tarmac cars, and in the wet they even outpace some 4wd cars!