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Rechipping your car is the 'old' way of doing things, but it can offer some improvements over the standard ECU and is the cheapest route available.

The big drawback to a rechip is that it cannot be adjusted to suit each individual vehicle.

Rechips are provided by companies such as SuperChips UK and are generically programmed at the factory.

Small gains can be achieved and it eliminates the need for any mapping work so is therefore cheaper than a piggyback ECU.

Despite this, some vehicles respond surprisingly well to a rechip(eg. the MkIII Golf GTI).

Ring us and we will check how suitable your vehicle is.


Superchips offer a range of chips which provide good gains, comparable to the piggyback ECUs. However, they can be more expensive depending on the model car.

Superchip's reprogramming of the computer matches the fuelling to the increased manufacturer's boost pressure, giving impressive gains of up to 30% more torque and more power. This adds to driving pleasure, requiring less gear changing, making the car more lively and responsive.

There is also the potential for improved fuel economy.